As expected, OFGEM yesterday reduced FIT payments for onshore wind turbine sites with total installed capacity greater than 100kW but not exceeding 500kW by 20%.
The new reduced FIT tariff for the period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 is 14.82 pence.
(Prior to this; from 1 December 2012 to 31 March 2014 the tariff was 18.53 pence, and from 1 April 2010 to 30 November 2012 it was 21.81 pence, so you can get an idea of how much faster the Government are reducing payments these days.)
Despite this reduction, wind turbines still make an outstanding investment opportunity for many land-owners who are in sparsely populated areas with ‘moderate to high’ wind speeds.
Basically if your average annual estimated wind speed is greater than 6 metres per second, then our refurbished wind turbines will make still be a great investment. Check your wind speed here.
Another Reduction Soon!
It’s expected the tariff will drop again on the first of April next year, possibly by 20% or perhaps even more, so if you own farm land that has decent wind speeds then don’t delay any longer… enquire about putting wind turbines on your land today and don’t miss one of the best investment opportunities currently available to UK land owners.
Please note: It can take at least 3 months or more to get planning permission for a wind turbine (and that’s provided you don’t have to go into appeal with it too – which can take a lot longer) so if you don’t read this important announcement until February 2015 then be prepared to find out that wind turbines may no longer be viable on your land!
One final thing; we provide re-engineered wind turbines – that’s used or second-hand wind turbines that are FIT eligible, but which have been given new bearings, new seals, refurbished motors and generators and new advanced equipment like auto-lubes and so on (as well as totally repainted so they look new too!)
As a result they cost significantly less than a new turbine and for this reason they still make an amazing investment… despite feed in tariff reductions!
Find out how much money you can make from one or more 225kW or 500kW turbines on your land.
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