Wind Turbine News & Advice

Feed in Tariff

Visit the OFGEM website for the very latest news about the UK's Feed-in-Tariff regime.

Feed in Tariff Updates

Birds and wind turbines can co-exist

Many objectors to wind energy mistakenly think the RSPB are totally opposed to wind turbines. They couldn't be more wrong!

Bad for birds?

Wind turbines in a thunderstorm

Discover some of the common myths and misconceptions about wind turbines.

10 Common Myths

turbine rainbow

Find out why turbines are one of the best investments currently available to UK landowners.

Why you need a Turbine

wind turbine reconditioning

An article exploring the basic science and principles of harnessing the wind to generate electricity.

How do turbines work?

Vestas refurbishment in progress

Read how our remanufactured and refurbished second hand wind turbines help UK farmer &, land owners save a small fortune.

About Boythorpe Turbines


A simple explanation of what a grid connection is.

What is a Grid Connection?

Read Our Blog

Our Wind Turbine Blog has all the latest news and information in regards to erecting wind turbine for financial, environment and ecological benefits.