How to find the best price for your PPA

One of our customers emailed us this morning about trouble getting a PPA renewal quote. Unfortunately they’ve been told that their current PPA offtaker won’t allow them to renew, and ‘have paused all their winter pricing, because the market is too volatile.’

Our customer was asking if we can therefore recommend any other companies who can quote them for a PPA.

Our sister company, Allison Wold Power Ltd owns numerous turbines dotted around the United Kingdom, and is constantly renewing PPA agreements.

We’ve worked with a lot of offtakers over the years and spent considerable time trying to obtain quotes and find the best deals.

However, a few years ago we found a fantastic company called Renewable Exchange, and they’ve been something of a game-changer for us.

Renewable Exchange works a bit like Ebay. It’s an auction platform. You provide them with their details of your turbines, size, production, etc. and then they run an auction and put your PPA out to tender.

You can specify how long the auction runs for – and at the end of the auction you’ll have a list of offtakers who have bid for your PPA.

This system allows you you very easily get quotes from lots of different offtakers and with just a click of a button choose the best one and renew your PPA.

For more details check out their website over at